Marble Tableware Collection
in process
The design collection will be exhibited as part of the CHINA SHUITOU INTERNATIONAL STONE FAIR (posponed from 26th DEC. to unknown)

Bird candle holder
145 x 115 x 110HTwo geometric sphere forms an abstract image of bird. The upper sphere is cut for tealight, and the low sphere is cut for placing the candle holder. “bird neck” as a narrow part to be hold by hand easily.

Geometric bookend
120 x 175 x 190H;120 x 175 x 126HCone and sphere are two of most common Euclid form. With its own beauty of mathematics, they are simple but timeless. The design has cut 1-2 part of the original shape and made them “hide” into the book. It present the beauty of still life in familarity and flaw. The asymmetric placement brings a lively elevation to the bookshelf.

Donut candle holder
D140 x 60HMarble has its unique natual texture and color. The donut embraces the cold and hard material as well as the sweet and soft visual form. The curvy shape reflect the texture of marble nicely.